Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Friday, March 26, 2010

Who Designed Us Anyways?

As I said in my previous post I'm patiently awaiting either my period to show up or a positive pregnancy test next week. I have officially decided that whoever invented the way a woman's body works was quite the jokester. The signs that your period is coming are: mild cramping, sore breasts, mood swings and headaches. The signs your are pregnant are: mild cramping, sore breasts, mood swings and headaches (and of course the missed period which is a tough thing for us PCOS patients). I don't know who thought it was a good idea to make this happen because right now I'm sitting here with achy boobs, weird cramps and feeling a little bit moody. I'm not planning on testing until cycle day 32 (as recommended) and I'm on cycle day 27 right now so I have until the middle of next week to either see a period or actually get the guts up to test. While I said I have a good feeling about this month along with the research associate, there are no guarantees so I'm a little bit nervous as to whether or not my uterus hurts a little bit because it's stretching to accommodate a fetus or because it's getting ready to shed it's lining. I"m not a patient person so this wait is killing me! I suppose I'm just going to have to suck it up and learn a little bit of patience and hope for the best!

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