Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's almost time

I am done with the Provera and my "fake" aunt flo as arrived. On Thursday I have an appointment with for the study for more blood work and yet another ultrasound and then.......I start the study meds (remember I won't know exactly what I'm going to be on). I'm getting really excited that after signing up for the study in Decemeber and trying to get pregnant for a year now and having that surgery and all those tests that I'm actually going to be doing something proactive (besides sex) that has a high chance of actually working to get pregnant. I'm also nervous.....I know a strange emotion to be feeling at this point in the game but I have to admit that although I'm really excited by the idea of finally getting pregnant, I'm also very nervous about it finally actually happening. I know for a fact I'll probably be so elated that I cry when I see that positive test I'll also be freaking out just a little bit for the first three months since so many things go wrong within the first 12 weeks. Right now I'm trying to not think of these things and am looking forward (as I'm sure N is as well) to getting these meds in me and getting those egss to slide down the tubes they way they should. I'll report back later in the week after I have my appointment.....but for now I'm thinking postive while getting nervous.

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