Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tick Tock

Any time now I could be ovulating, provided the meds did what they were supposed to do. Some people say they can feel ovulation as a "twinge" or something so I keep paying close attention to my body to see if I feel that. We've been doing our baby dance every other day like planned so that we increase our chances of hitting an egg...provided my body decided to throw some down the chute this time around. I'm still remaining hopeful and dutifully tracking everything in the little journal page thing they gave me as part of the study. Despite the fact that they gave me pregnancy tests to use I'll probably wait until my appointment on the 25th when they do bloodwork to find anything out since I've grown used to waiting to take them. I'd rather keep my hopes up a little more than dash them.

On another note, the number of people who I know are pregnant is decreasing because they're all starting to have their babies. I'm looking at it as a good thing because I figure by the time we get our bundle of joy we may have a lot of people offering us their used baby clothes and whatnot.

For now I keep baby dancing and staying positive.

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