Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Doing their Job

I went into my appointment today thinking that this wasn't going to be a month that I ovulated since I had my ultrasound done on Tuesday and the ultrasound tech said they didn't see any dominant follicles. I tried to remain positive but just assumed that I would get the same results back for my blood test today. After being at the office forever (since apparently it takes me forever to squeeze out a little bit of pee in order to do a UPT (which was negative, but it would be way too early for it to be positive anyways if I am pregnant) and then as soon as I got to work I peed 3 times!) I went on my way with the research nurse telling me that I would hear from them today to determine if my progesterone said I ovulated and the results of the blood pregnancy test (which again would probably be too soon to show it). I just received an e-mail saying I did ovulate this month so I'm really excited about this because it means that there is a chance we could've made this work this month. Right now I'm still at work barely able to contain my excitement at this, despite it not knowing whether or not I'm actually pregnant but knowing that the meds actually worked! Just to let you the reader know, I will not be posting if I find out that I'm pregnant immediately just because, although this is an "anonymous" blog, I'd rather just my family know so we know if it sticks and all that.

Long story short, meds worked, I actually ovulated and maybe just maybe the we hit an egg this month!

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