Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I was thinking the other day about the one thing that I regret doing when starting this whole baby-making process. I told a good amount of people that we were trying because I was so excited about the prospects of having a baby and getting pregnant. Now that it's been over a year some of those people are giving me all sorts of crap about not being pregnant (mainly my guy friends assuming that N needs a pinch hitter and I'll vote them as the one-so NOT the case). Of course I don't feel comfortable telling everyone what's going on because they just might not understand but I wish they'd stop giving me crap. I suppose this is a lesson to pass on, don't tell people right off the bat that you're trying because sometimes you may not get the results you were hoping for and have to deal with the heart-wrenching question "why the heck aren't you knocked up yet?"

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