Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Officially a Study Participant

I had my appointment yesterday morning to get all the preliminary things taken care of to start the study. The study I'm participating is a double blind study comparing two medications used in patients with PCOS, this means that I will be on one of two medications that are used to induce ovulation but neither I nor the study coordinators will know which medication I'm on. Yesterday I had to answer a whole bunch of questions and get a few tubes of blood drawn as well as a physical exam and an internal ultrasound. I was glad to learn everything in my uterus looks great (the sonographer said they had done a great job with the surgery, she couldn't even tell!. I was then sent home with a couple of pregnancy tests, a HUGE packet of paperwork to fill out regarding my health, sex life, sleeping patterns and the like, and a prescription for Provera. The Provera is a medication that will induce a period since the doctor is pretty sure I didn't ovulated last month. So rather than waiting for another month for my "period" to show up it's just easier to get it this way. I was really happy about this because as I've said I'm not very patient person this means as long as everything else about my bloodwork looks good I'll be starting on the study medications in two weeks. I'm really happy about this appointment because I feel a sense of hope that things are going to work out and we'll be pregnant before we know it, of course there's no guarantee that the meds will make me get pregnant but at least I know I'll be throwing out some eggs.
As for my husband he was glad to hear that his sperm count was pretty much off the chart high so we shouldn't have a problem there, just gotta drop a few eggs!

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