Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

If Only Dreams Always Came True

I am one of those people who dreams very intensely and my dreams are usually strange and I remember them when I wake up. In the last two weeks I've have dreams that I was pregnant. This first one happened the night after I spent an afternoon with a good friend and her two week old baby. The dream that night consisted of me feeling the baby move inside of me and seeing its arms and legs poke out of my belly. I've had dreams like that before, it's the second dream I had on Sunday night. Although the dream was comingled with lots of other random things, the pregnant part sticks out the most. In this dream my mom was with me at my appointment that I have next Tuesday and I had to do my urine pregnancy test that I have to do every time I go in and it shows that I'm pregnant with a very faint line. In the dream I get excited about this but apprehensive because it still needed to be confirmed with the blood test and then waiting to make sure it stays. I'm just hoping that dreams really will come true this time around. I am maintaining less of an excited state as last month and just taking it day by day and hoping for the best but trying to not read too much into anything.

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