Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Heart Aches

I went in yesterday for a blood test and it was negative for pregnancy (no surprise there and that's not why my heart is aching). The reason my heart is aching is because I know how good it will feel to have a family and I want it so badly. The other day N and I were babysitting one of my best friend's kids who's 20 months old. I've known this adorable little one since the day he was born and I babysit him on a fairly regular basis. Usually I babysit by myself but this time N was able to join us for lunch. Now normally a 25 year old guy wouldn't take too much interest in a kid that wasn't his, well not my hubby. He cut up the little one's food, put a bib on him and made sure that he didn't shove his mouth too full of food. It was so amazing to watch him be such a natural with a kid that I can't wait until we have our own. On another exciting note two friends of mine recently have given birth and another one I think is going today so congrats to all of them and I look forward to meeting all the cute little ones. I suppose another way of looking at having so many friends having kids is that maybe I'll have a stockpile of friends willing to pass on things for little ones.

I start the next round of meds on Friday so I'm going to baby dance all I can and maybe all this practice will turn out a perfect little baby (or two!)

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