Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Not This Time

Well, my period started officially today, fun cramps and feeling crappy and all. I'm pretty bummed because I was really hoping this was the month for us. I suppose at least I should be happy knowing the medication made me ovulate so here's to hoping next month will be our month. I keep seeing pictures of people's cute babies and I can't wait for it to be me.

On another note, I really don't think my mother in law wants us having kids, every time I mention it she makes another comment about how "You won't have any free time" and "you can't do that when you have kids". I don't know how many different ways to impress upon her that all I want is to be pregnant and have a baby and raise a child and have a family with her son. I would think that she would be happy about this but apparently she feels it necessary to "warn" me against having them by telling me all the things I'll have to "give up" when I have kids. If only she knew how heavy my heart gets every month that goes by that I get my period. I'm just hoping she warms up to the idea as soon as we do get pregnant.

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