Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Saturday, January 16, 2010

One Hurdle Leaped

As part of infertility testing I got to go through all sorts of fun and exciting (read: painful and intrusive) testing to see what was going on in my end and my husband got to know...into a cup. Yesterday we received his results in the mail and they were...drumroll please....normal. While he is really glad for that and so am I (since now we know we're not dealing with multiple problems), I can't help but feel a little bit crappy knowing it's all my problem that's causing us to not be pregnant. And for some reason I've felt very mopey about this since yesterday afternoon. On another note, at least it seems as if my time of the month is done so that means I'm that much closer to being able to get all the blood tests in order to get into the research study to go on the clomid or other medication. And I only have a week left until my post-op follow up appointment so I can find out how all that went (since I was a little drugged up post surgery they didn't tell me much). Well that's about all for now....time to go back to work and not think about how the "people I know who are pregnant and not me count" is now up to 14.....just think this number will go down soon when some of them start giving

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