Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Friday, January 22, 2010

Explaining Infertility

I feel as if I spend a lot of time explaining to people that I'm close with what infertility means. I can't even begin to count the number of times that I hear someone tell me "oh you guys just need to stop trying and it will happen" or "just relax, if it's meant to be it will happen sooner than you know it". While I appreciate the sentiment it hurts just a little bit every time I hear someone tell me that because in actuality with infertility it's not a matter of trying to hard or "just relaxing", in fact trying to get pregnant while dealing with infertility takes a lot of the fun and spontenity out of it because it requires you to spend time planning around cycles of medications and menstration and waiting and testing and peeing on sticks and blood tests. That's a lot of things that require specific planning. I understand that people are trying to be helpful but it hurts just a little bit when someone says that to me. Although I have to say that's not as hard as running into old friends or being with people that don't know what's going on (for good reason since I don't need everyone I know to know about this) and getting the old "when are you guys having kids" and "it's the best thing in the world". Usually I just answer "Oh, we're working on it" and leave it at that but once again my heart feels a little heavier after that since what I want to say is "We're trying really hard but unfortunately my ovaries aren't quite agreeing with our planning so I have to take medications to make them work, and yes I know it's the best thing ever but now I want to go home and cry because you felt the need to tell me this several times". Of course I don't say this since I'm not a rude or insenstive person, I just smile and say "I can't wait".

Post-Op follow up appointment is on Monday so I'll post how that goes, if I can tear myself away from the husband since he's been sex deprived since the surgery (I've made him wait so we know we're 100% a-okay to rock). Also the screening appointment for the study is scheduled in Feb so here's to hoping I get knocked up before that and don't ever even have to go on meds (small teeny tiny chance of that but hey a girl can hope)

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