Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Beginning

Welcome to my very first blog post about my quest to become a mother. My husband N and I have been trying to get pregnant for almost a year now and during this time have seen many of our friends get pregnant and not us. After some fun exciting blood tests it was determined that there were going to difficulties in the road to get pregnant. Most day I'm stay pretty positive about everything that is going on but there are days that the world and people's facebook posts just get to me. I intend to try and not make this blog depressing but want to warn whomever is taking the time to read it that sometimes I will have days where I'm rather emotional and my posts may be tough for someone who is on the same quest to read. This blog may also include "graphic" descriptions of random things (think periods and the such not playboy channel graphic) So with that out of the way let me tell you about what has happened so far.
I started noticing problems this past summer when I was having very irregular periods to include two a month. I decided to go to my primary care physician who told me it was just my body adjusting to being off birth control (which was stopped in February) and that I just had to wait until it had been a year. I left that appointment feeling a little disgruntled but just let it go.
This strange cycle thing happened again and I decided it was time to see a regular ob/gyn for the first time. I met a super nice doctor and she laid out a plan to check everything out including blood tests and go from there. After the first blood test I received a phone call that no woman in their mid 20's wants to hear: "I think we should start infertility testing". This was especially hard because I got this phone call while I was at work so I couldn't really ask all the questions I really wanted to ask.
The next step was more blood tests and then something called an HSG test, which I really don't want to describe because it was incredibly painful for me and something I never want to have done again (which I was told I don't ever have to do thankfully). Doing this test they determined my fallopian tubes were clear (a good thing!) but I had what the doctor thought was a uterine septum so she referred my to a reproductive endocrinologist (RE).
I then made an appointment for a trans-vaginal ultrasound to confirm that there was indeed a septum in there. The RE also said that I had something called Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and that he agreed with my ob/gyn that I would need to go one medications to jumpstart the old ovaries but first he wanted to fix the septum.
About a month ago I had the surgery and now I'm just waiting until I can start up on the medications (with which I'm participating in a research study since I was going to go on the meds anyways, I might as well help others in the future).

So that's the story up until now, I'll try and post on a regular basis to update on everything involved in what's going on with what I feel is one of the most important parts of my life right now. I will also be remaining anonymous (even though I know some of the people who will read this will know who I am) due to my husband not wanting me to do a blog with our names since he distrusts the internet.

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