Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

End of Study

I am officially done with the study! I am now officially six weeks pregnant and had my first ultrasound today. It was pretty amazing how small our little monkey is right now and how fast the little heartbeat seems. I almost cried when I saw the little tiny fluttering and N had a huge smile on his face. It's still really early so it's all still pretty top secret with only our parents knowing and a few close friends that we can lean on if something were to happen. I am remaining positive that everything will go very smoothly and there will be no more speed bumps as the weeks go on. I've had a lot of "morning" sickness that pretty much amounts to me feeling like I'm going to vomit 90% of the day but I look at is as a good sign that my hormones are doing the normal things. I try and stay as upbeat as I possibly can because that's gotten me through up to this point. I have faith (if you want to call it that) that things will go smoothly as long as a rest and keep trying to eat when I'm hungry.

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