Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Friday, September 24, 2010

9 weeks

So I've had two more ultra sounds since the last time I wrote and also officially graduated from the infertility clinic! I've started going back to my regular ob/gyn and all looks well. The nausea and vomiting had been continuing and caused quite a bit of suffering on my part. I was getting pretty frustrated with not being able to eat or drink for approximately 3 weeks. When I went to my regular ob/gyn on Monday I told her about this and she asked if I had lost weight and since they had just weighed me I was able to tell her I've lost about 10 pounds in the last 2.5 weeks. Normally any woman would be super pumped to have lost weight but in my case it is definitely not a good thing. She immediately prescribed me some anti-nausea medication so that I could avoid continuing being dehydrated and not eating. I went and filled that prescription after my appointment on Monday and have finally been able to eat again! This is super exciting because it's really nice to be able to eat again and not puke. I have had some bouts of minor nausea but nothing like before and I've been trying to stay on top of taking the meds when I need to so I can ward it off. Other than that and being pretty tired most of the time I'm feeling pretty good and looking forward to the next few weeks as I end my first trimester. Once I get through this first trimester I'll be able to feel a little sigh of relief as the higher risk for miscarriage goes down (although I'm not in any risk categories I just worry after all the time it took to conceive). This means in October I'll start actually baby shopping. I'll try and keep people updated through this blog once I actually post this and the other ones that I've written and I'll also upload pics from the ultrasound.

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