Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Holy Crap!!!!

Two days ago (it will be longer than that by the time you read this because I'm waiting to post about this) I hit magical cycle day 40. I call the people from the study and went in for a blood test because I was too much of a wuss to do a UPT (and they would have had to do one anyways). N and I went out to try and lower our mortgage payments and while we were in a meeting my phone rings. I stepped out to take it and got the best news ever, I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!! I was practically crying when I got back in the room. I was just stunned and shaking and it too about 2 hours to stop shaking. My beta HCG test (the blood pregnancy test) was at over 5000 on Monday. I went back today for another blood test and the beta HCG doubled to about 10000, this is good and exactly what it's supposed to do. I am still off the wall excited and I'm not ready to be completely public with this since we're only at about 5 weeks. I go next week for my ultrasound and N and I are excited and hope that we'll be able to hear a heartbeat (if I'm around six weeks at that time we should be able to). I'm still in utter shock that I'm actually finally pregnant. And yesterday the fun exciting queasiness decided to start, and this AM I was definitely not feeling well. I guess I better stock up on ginger ale with real ginger and crackers.

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