Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Seeing What the Week Brings

Once again the tests show I have ovulated this month. I had a feeling that the tests would show this because I definitely felt the ovulation once again. This month was a little tough because I kept getting some really nasty headaches. I told them about this at my appointment and got a prescription for some meds to try and help with them since a lot of the time they are like borderline migraines. My appointment this month was still fairly early in the cycle (day 22) so the blood test showed negative for pregnancy. Of course it's early in the cycle so it could have been too early to show pregnancy. Now I'm in the waiting game of the phase. I feel like I've been less stressed about this whole process this month so I'm hoping that continues for the next 10 days of the waiting game and also hoping it helped in our quest. If my period does in fact come this month I only have one more month on the study and then if it still doesn't happen I'll be finished with the study and moving on to meeting with the infertility specialist and seeing what happens next and what steps we're going to need to take.

For now though....fingers crossed.

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