Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Last Round of Study Meds

As suspected my pregnacy test last week was negative. Last night I finished the last pill in the last round of taking the study medications. The study only lasts for five months so I'm hoping for the sake of me and the study that this month will be my lucky month. If not at least I've learned through doing the study that medication does indeed help solve the problem of me ovulating which so far is the only problem that we have found in our infertility workups. I'm hoping that if I don't become pregnant this round that I will be able to continue to use medication rather than having to go to other (and far more costly) routes. I'm almost positive that the next step would be IUI since we just have the ovulation problem but I would hope that since medication has proven to be effective that we can stuck with that route since my insurance covers Clomid (although I have a feeling that I'm on the other med through the study, there's no way to know since it is a double-blind study) and although my insurance covers the workups for infertility it does not cover any other treatment beyond Clomid. N and I were talking about this since we plan on making an appointment right off with Dr Casson if I'm not pregnant after this round of the study, and N said that perhaps if Clomid isn't the medication that I'm on and I end up going that route that perhaps it would work better. Only time will tell and I'm really hoping that it happens for us this time around. I'm also keeping in mind that normal women who are fertile and ovulate on their own take up to five months to get pregnant since there's only really a a 20% chance of getting pregnant every month so maybe this will happen. For now I'm going to try and remain relaxed and stress free as the weeks go by.

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