Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Monday, November 29, 2010

Almost Ultrasound Time

I'm getting pretty excited because in one week we get to have the big exciting 20 week ultrasound! I can't wait to see the little munchkin on the big screen and see how much they've grown. We're still steadfast on not finding out the sex of the baby much to many people's chagrin (to include my mother in law who wants to join us at the appointment so she can try and figure out what the gender is!) so I'm just plain excited to see the baby. Most of the annoying symptoms have gone away which is nice because not puking is a good thing. Lately I've just had really weird craving like being hungry for Caesar salad at 2:30 in the morning. I'm glad most of my cravings have been healthy for the most part. I'm starting to get a little bit of a baby belly, and my jeans are not buttoning as well. I've been in my maternity pants for a few weeks mainly because it's uncomfortable to wear regular jeans at work. An awesome friend just gave me a belly band which allows me to wear my regular pants unbuttoned which is nice since I only have one pair of maternity pants. I'm also pretty sure that I'm starting to feel movement especially since supposedly this is the time that women sometimes start feeling it. It's like little butterfly wiggles in my belly and I can't wait until they get more and more noticeable.

In other news I'm going to visit my mom in a week and a half to do some baby registering and shopping! I'm really excited to see her since I have not seen her since we found out that we are pregnant so it'll be super fun!

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