Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Monday, October 18, 2010

Officially Announcing

Now that I am nearly 13 weeks along I can actually publish all those posts that have been waiting for me to be 100% public. Tomorrow I'm even going to let my supervisors at work in on the exciting news! I'm excited to not keep it as secret as I've been trying to, although there have been a handful of people who have been in on the exciting secret. Today we had a doctor's appointment and things are looking good. I was a little bummed that today didn't include an ultrasound since I love seeing those but we did get to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I have to admit I was a little nervous at first because there was a NP student doing the Doppler and she was having trouble getting the wand in the right spot but then the actual NP took over and quickly found it. It was pretty amazing to listen to and I still can't get over how awesome this all is for us! Now if only the nausea will go away 100%, thankfully it's okay to keep taking the Zoforan which is a godsend in quelling the nausea. Other than that I'm really looking forward to getting my "baby bump" but I know that's a few weeks off! I'm still so happy that we are pregnant and that things are going very well.

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