Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Disney Channel

When I'm bored I like to watch the Disney Channel. Yes I am aware I am a grown woman with no tweenaged kids in the house, nor do I work with tweenagers (and yes I do mean tween and not teen since I feel that teens this day may feel too old for Disney Channel) but alas I still enjoy watching Disney. Now why would someone like me want to watch said channel when there is nothing better on? Well my husband asks me all the time when he catches me with it on. I think the main reason I watch it is that I don't really like watching the news, most reality shows bore me to tears and I'm often home during the day where my choices are limited despite having a million channels that I can access. I was thinking about the answer to this question the other day as I was watching old episodes of King Of Queens and the answer smacked me in the face, the episode happened to revolve around their infertility problems and it's the one where they adopt a baby only to find out they are pregnant. This is why I love watching midly entertaing shows on Disney......there are no plot lines that will revolve around pregnancy or infertility or pretty much any real adult themes. It's refreshing to watch a show knowing that I will be entertained by all the problems that once plagued me about ten years or so ago. Thus I will not stop watching the Disney Channel despite it not being geared towards my age group and heck while I'm at it I'm going to watch some Nickelodeon as well!

On another note pertaining to my current situation, I have finished the meds I was required to take after surgery (that dang estrogen was making me dizzy and the progesterone was making my stomach all messed up so this makes me happy). So that means I get to have my fun exciting time of month which sucks but means that I'm that many weeks closer to being able to get those blood tests done for the research study so I can get those ovaries working.....but for now here's hoping my ovaries decide to jumpstart themselves before that :)

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