Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Friday, December 17, 2010

Baby Gear

Last weekend I went baby shopping with my mom and best friend from college. I had gone a little out of control in making a list of what I wanted to make sure I registered only for what I needed and not get too out of control. We started out at Target and I registered for a few things there but since I know their return policy isn't great I decided to not go too crazy in there. The next stop we made was at a store called Buy Buy Baby we had planned on going there since my friend E had told me it was a great store and then we were going to finish up at the large Babies R Us up the road. Well we got about halfway through shopping and registering there (and dragging my mom out of the baby clothes section before she bought everything with a monkey on it :)) and realized that we did not even want to go to Babies R Us, we could get everything we needed at Buy Buy Baby and the customer service was above board, they checked in with us every now and then and had all the answers to the questions we had and even brought us some bottles of water (no charge!) while we were shopping. I took care of about 95% of the list there and left a few things for the locally owned store Kids Town since N advised me that some of his family does not really like online shopping and since the closest Buy Buy Baby is either in Nashua NH or Albany NH I figured that would be for the best. I had a ton of fun looking at all the baby stuff and it was a little overwhelming but thanks to a book lent to me by E and some e-mailed advice from E and S I was able to knock out the list pretty well.

The rest of the weekend was nice too. I remember when I first got pregnant I told my mom one of my fears was becoming one of those women who people wondered if they were just overweight or pregnant. My fears were compounded by the fact that I went into this pregnancy on the overweight side (I would never have thought I would have weight issues since I was a twig in high school). I told my mom that I really wanted a cute preggo belly. I was starting to feel like I just looked a little fat and since the people I see, I see all the time it was hard to really get a good handle on this. Well going home to NH and seeing people who haven't seen me since before I was pregnant and having them tell me how great I look and how I barely even looked like I gained weight except my belly was really reassuring. I know that I need to gain weight for the baby but I know that if I gain too much weight it can cause problems for me and baby so I don't want to have to add to my worries. As of my 21 week check up I've only gained 10 pounds so far so I'm right on track and feeling great. I'm starting to enjoy pregnancy a little more, although the crazy emotions sometimes get to me a little bit. I'll try and get N to take some belly pics (I really wish I had started this sooner) and get them up here.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ultrasound Day

Today was the big 20 week ultrasound! Last night I have to admit I was having a bad day and not really liking being pregnant because I was feeling pretty emotional for reasons that aren't really important now but it was something that was bugging me yesterday. Anyways I woke up this morning to snow falling from the sky making the world look like a snowglobe. We made our way to the hospital and were just on time for the appointment. We went into the room and met the sonographer who turned out to be the best! She talked us through everything she was looking at (except gender because we want a surprise!). She looked at all the necessary things like the kidneys, stomach, bladder, heart, brain, legs, arms and face. Everything looked great and it was so nice to see everything looking great. I'm pretty sure we're in for a hyperactive kid just like me since the kiddo was wiggling around and she kept having trouble getting some of the views. Baby was even pointing, lifting its hand up by its head and then threw in a high kick for good measure. It was amazing to see everything and we came away with six pictures and a DVD of the ENTIRE THING! I can't wait to show my mom this weekend when I travel to her house and we go on our shopping/registering adventure! I also did something I swore I would never do, I put up the pics on facebook. I know that sometimes it's hard for people to see them who have gone through what we went through or worse but I decided that since it's been long enough and I don't really post a ton about the pregnancy that I was going to go ahead and give other people what they were asking If someone sends me a message that it bothers them, then I will take them down if need be but otherwise I just went for it :)