Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Monday, September 27, 2010

Maternity Wear

I definitely don't have a belly yet but nonetheless I made my first foray into the maternity store at the local mall. Since I've been pregnant I've had all sorts of symptoms to include some very annoying breast tenderness. I'm used to having this problem since I'm rather large chested and they tend to hurt during my period. I usually can deal with it pretty well but recently it has gotten to the point that they are so tender it hurts to sleep without a bra. As just about any woman can tell you sleeping with a bra is not fun and I use to enjoy at the end of the day when I could take it off. So I started researching what I could wear for a little support while I was sleeping and came across these bras meant for sleeping that also double as a nighttime breast feeding bra so I went to the store today and tried them on. They remind me of the support that one gets from a tank top shelf bra which is pretty much all I need at night so I bought two. I also took the risk of buying a pair of maternity pants. I've been nervous to start buying anything before I hit twelve weeks for fear of "jinxing things" (I know it seems a little odd but a girl's gotta be a little superstitious and cautious after spending all this time and energy getting here). I know I don't need the pants yet and I just bought the kind that falls under the belly so that they'll be good for when I start to get a little bit of a belly. It probably seems odd to those that have had babies and had huge bellies that caused pain near the end of their pregnancy but I'm so excited to start getting a belly! I was speaking to a friend the other day who said she asked N if he was excited and he told her that he thought he'd get even more excited when I got a belly. So now I'm wanting the boobs to stop growing and the belly to start showing (and yes I know it'll probably be a few more weeks at the very least). For now I keep staying positive and taking anti-nausea meds so I can eat and not get sick.

Friday, September 24, 2010

9 weeks

So I've had two more ultra sounds since the last time I wrote and also officially graduated from the infertility clinic! I've started going back to my regular ob/gyn and all looks well. The nausea and vomiting had been continuing and caused quite a bit of suffering on my part. I was getting pretty frustrated with not being able to eat or drink for approximately 3 weeks. When I went to my regular ob/gyn on Monday I told her about this and she asked if I had lost weight and since they had just weighed me I was able to tell her I've lost about 10 pounds in the last 2.5 weeks. Normally any woman would be super pumped to have lost weight but in my case it is definitely not a good thing. She immediately prescribed me some anti-nausea medication so that I could avoid continuing being dehydrated and not eating. I went and filled that prescription after my appointment on Monday and have finally been able to eat again! This is super exciting because it's really nice to be able to eat again and not puke. I have had some bouts of minor nausea but nothing like before and I've been trying to stay on top of taking the meds when I need to so I can ward it off. Other than that and being pretty tired most of the time I'm feeling pretty good and looking forward to the next few weeks as I end my first trimester. Once I get through this first trimester I'll be able to feel a little sigh of relief as the higher risk for miscarriage goes down (although I'm not in any risk categories I just worry after all the time it took to conceive). This means in October I'll start actually baby shopping. I'll try and keep people updated through this blog once I actually post this and the other ones that I've written and I'll also upload pics from the ultrasound.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Morning's a LIE!

I'm trying really hard to promise myself I won't complain. I wanted to be pregnant so badly that I was ready for anything..........or so I thought. I was prepared for morning in the literal definition, in the morning. I was NOT prepared to feel like vomiting 90% of most days and some of them vomiting just about everything I've eaten. So far I've tried almost all the tricks that everyone recommends: crackers, ginger ale, eating small meals, attempting to eat protein. None of it has done me any good. I feel nauseous most of the day and I have absolutely no appetite. This is another frustration. I've never ever been a picky eater and now here I am wanting absolutely nothing to eat. I can't even find a source of protein that I can stomach and them smell or thought of them makes me gag. I spend feel like I spend half the day gagging or dry heaving and some days actually vomiting in the AM, noontime, the PM, pretty much any old time. The worst part is that N thinks this is hilarious. I don't know why he thinks it's so funny but apparently according to him he thinks it's funny because it means my body is doing what it should be doing. While intellectually I know that it's normal and means my hormones are doing what they are supposed to be doing, I'm actually getting ready to have a countdown to the end of the first trimester and praying that I'm not one of those people that feels sick through her entire pregnancy. N even commented to me the other day "so three kids is what you want", I told him yes, I'd go through this suffering for two more kids because I know the reward will be huge. I'm sorry if all this seems a little whiny because I know I should be all giddy and happy that I'm actually finally pregnant, but you try feeling like you're going to vomit and can't find any foods that agree with you for weeks on end and tell me how fun that is for you! I suppose if this keeps up as bad as it has been I will be talking to my doctor for recommendations of getting the nutrition we need.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

End of Study

I am officially done with the study! I am now officially six weeks pregnant and had my first ultrasound today. It was pretty amazing how small our little monkey is right now and how fast the little heartbeat seems. I almost cried when I saw the little tiny fluttering and N had a huge smile on his face. It's still really early so it's all still pretty top secret with only our parents knowing and a few close friends that we can lean on if something were to happen. I am remaining positive that everything will go very smoothly and there will be no more speed bumps as the weeks go on. I've had a lot of "morning" sickness that pretty much amounts to me feeling like I'm going to vomit 90% of the day but I look at is as a good sign that my hormones are doing the normal things. I try and stay as upbeat as I possibly can because that's gotten me through up to this point. I have faith (if you want to call it that) that things will go smoothly as long as a rest and keep trying to eat when I'm hungry.