Mama Quest

Tracking our life through the ups and downs becoming someone who's expecting

Friday, March 26, 2010

Who Designed Us Anyways?

As I said in my previous post I'm patiently awaiting either my period to show up or a positive pregnancy test next week. I have officially decided that whoever invented the way a woman's body works was quite the jokester. The signs that your period is coming are: mild cramping, sore breasts, mood swings and headaches. The signs your are pregnant are: mild cramping, sore breasts, mood swings and headaches (and of course the missed period which is a tough thing for us PCOS patients). I don't know who thought it was a good idea to make this happen because right now I'm sitting here with achy boobs, weird cramps and feeling a little bit moody. I'm not planning on testing until cycle day 32 (as recommended) and I'm on cycle day 27 right now so I have until the middle of next week to either see a period or actually get the guts up to test. While I said I have a good feeling about this month along with the research associate, there are no guarantees so I'm a little bit nervous as to whether or not my uterus hurts a little bit because it's stretching to accommodate a fetus or because it's getting ready to shed it's lining. I"m not a patient person so this wait is killing me! I suppose I'm just going to have to suck it up and learn a little bit of patience and hope for the best!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Doing their Job

I went into my appointment today thinking that this wasn't going to be a month that I ovulated since I had my ultrasound done on Tuesday and the ultrasound tech said they didn't see any dominant follicles. I tried to remain positive but just assumed that I would get the same results back for my blood test today. After being at the office forever (since apparently it takes me forever to squeeze out a little bit of pee in order to do a UPT (which was negative, but it would be way too early for it to be positive anyways if I am pregnant) and then as soon as I got to work I peed 3 times!) I went on my way with the research nurse telling me that I would hear from them today to determine if my progesterone said I ovulated and the results of the blood pregnancy test (which again would probably be too soon to show it). I just received an e-mail saying I did ovulate this month so I'm really excited about this because it means that there is a chance we could've made this work this month. Right now I'm still at work barely able to contain my excitement at this, despite it not knowing whether or not I'm actually pregnant but knowing that the meds actually worked! Just to let you the reader know, I will not be posting if I find out that I'm pregnant immediately just because, although this is an "anonymous" blog, I'd rather just my family know so we know if it sticks and all that.

Long story short, meds worked, I actually ovulated and maybe just maybe the we hit an egg this month!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Droppin' eggs....maybe

The last few days I've had a headache and weird "twinges" going on in the general vicinity of my uterus. I think that this feeling of twinges, being worn down and crazy headaches may possibly mean that I'm ovulating. I rarely ever get sick and I don't really feel sick so I'm thinking (and hoping) that this headache is coming from hormone level fluctuations and that I may be in fact ovulating. It's either that or I'm PMSing and this round of meds didn't work, although like I've said before I prefer to stay positive. So this means keeping up with the baby dancing and hoping for the best. Also I go for another appointment next Thursday where I'll know for sure if I did ovulate.


I was thinking the other day about the one thing that I regret doing when starting this whole baby-making process. I told a good amount of people that we were trying because I was so excited about the prospects of having a baby and getting pregnant. Now that it's been over a year some of those people are giving me all sorts of crap about not being pregnant (mainly my guy friends assuming that N needs a pinch hitter and I'll vote them as the one-so NOT the case). Of course I don't feel comfortable telling everyone what's going on because they just might not understand but I wish they'd stop giving me crap. I suppose this is a lesson to pass on, don't tell people right off the bat that you're trying because sometimes you may not get the results you were hoping for and have to deal with the heart-wrenching question "why the heck aren't you knocked up yet?"

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tick Tock

Any time now I could be ovulating, provided the meds did what they were supposed to do. Some people say they can feel ovulation as a "twinge" or something so I keep paying close attention to my body to see if I feel that. We've been doing our baby dance every other day like planned so that we increase our chances of hitting an egg...provided my body decided to throw some down the chute this time around. I'm still remaining hopeful and dutifully tracking everything in the little journal page thing they gave me as part of the study. Despite the fact that they gave me pregnancy tests to use I'll probably wait until my appointment on the 25th when they do bloodwork to find anything out since I've grown used to waiting to take them. I'd rather keep my hopes up a little more than dash them.

On another note, the number of people who I know are pregnant is decreasing because they're all starting to have their babies. I'm looking at it as a good thing because I figure by the time we get our bundle of joy we may have a lot of people offering us their used baby clothes and whatnot.

For now I keep baby dancing and staying positive.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Halfway Through Round #1

I started my "mystery meds" as I like to call them on Thursday night after my appointment on Thursday morning. In the appointment they did another internal ultrasound.....they're going to have a lot of pics of my uterus :) and took a whole bunch of blood. They also did a urine and blood pregnancy test along with a progesterone test and confirmed that I'm not currently pregnant not did I ovulate recently so it was a go for the study meds. I've taken two already and getting ready for the third in about an hour or so (they recommend taking them at the same time so I have an alarm set on my phone) and so far the biggest side effect I've noticed is a headache....although I get those a lot anyways so it's no big thing. Now onto doing the "baby dance" every other day as is recommended and hoping things work out for the best in round one :)

In another note I totally got a funny look from my m-i-l when she told me I should use a thermometer to figure out when I ovulate and I informed her that while doing the study we would just have sex 2-3 times a week in order to ensure an egg and sperm introduction and that all the blood tests and ultrasounds will determine if I actually even ovulated this time around......she was appalled and I got a nice laugh!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's almost time

I am done with the Provera and my "fake" aunt flo as arrived. On Thursday I have an appointment with for the study for more blood work and yet another ultrasound and then.......I start the study meds (remember I won't know exactly what I'm going to be on). I'm getting really excited that after signing up for the study in Decemeber and trying to get pregnant for a year now and having that surgery and all those tests that I'm actually going to be doing something proactive (besides sex) that has a high chance of actually working to get pregnant. I'm also nervous.....I know a strange emotion to be feeling at this point in the game but I have to admit that although I'm really excited by the idea of finally getting pregnant, I'm also very nervous about it finally actually happening. I know for a fact I'll probably be so elated that I cry when I see that positive test I'll also be freaking out just a little bit for the first three months since so many things go wrong within the first 12 weeks. Right now I'm trying to not think of these things and am looking forward (as I'm sure N is as well) to getting these meds in me and getting those egss to slide down the tubes they way they should. I'll report back later in the week after I have my appointment.....but for now I'm thinking postive while getting nervous.